[外研社一起点]外研版小学六年级英语下册同步教学网课视频资源(高清版 43讲)
课程简介本外研版一起点小学六年级英语下册同步教学网课视频资源,由同桌100教学团队王晓君老师讲课,共43讲,内容包括: I want a hot dog,please、What do you want to eat、When are we going to eat、It will rain in Beijing、I took some photos、The sun is shining、I can't carry all these things....等等。所讲知识点同步(一起点)外研社版新标准英语六年级英语下册课本,多媒体方式教学,讲解细致,通俗易懂。欢迎六年级的同学们观看学习!
外研版一起点小学六年级英语下册同步教学网课视频目录:Module01 Unit1 I want a hot dog,please.(1).flv
Module01 Unit1 I want a hot dog,please.(2).flv
Module01 Unit2 What do you want to eat(1).flv
Module01 Unit2 What do you want to eat(2).flv
Module02 Unit1 When are we going to eat(1).flv
Module02 Unit1 When are we going to eat(2).flv
Module02 Unit2 It will rain in Beijing.(1).flv
Module02 Unit2 It will rain in Beijing.(2).flv
Module03 Unit1 I took some photos.(1).flv
Module03 Unit1 I took some photos.(2).flv
Module03 Unit2 The sun is shining.(1).flv
Module03 Unit2 The sun is shining.(2).flv
Module04 Unit1 I can't carry all these things.(1).flv
Module04 Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs!(1).flv
Module04 Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs!(2).flv
Module05 Unit1 He is playing the...(1).flv
Module05 Unit1 He is playing the...(2).flv
Module05 Unit2 Some children are jumping in the water.(1).flv
Module05 Unit2 Some children are jumping in the water.(2).flv
Module06 Unit1 It was Daming's birthday yesterday.(2).flv
Module06 Unit2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.(1).flv
Module06 Unit2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.(2).flv
Module07 Unit1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V.(1).flv
Module07 Unit1 My father flew into space in Shenzhou V.(2).flv
Module07 Unit2 She couldn't see or hear.(1).flv
Module07 Unit2 She couldn't see or hear.(2).flv
Module08 Unit1 Why do you have cups on your heads(1).flv
Module08 Unit1 Why do you have cups on your heads(2).flv
Module08 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat(1).flv
Module08 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat(2).flv
Module09 Unit1 Best wishes to you!(1).flv
Module09 Unit1 Best wishes to you!(2).flv
Module09 Unit2 Wishing you happiness every day.(1).flv
Module09 Unit2 Wishing you happiness every day.(2).flv
Module10 Unit1 We're going to different schools.(1).flv
Module10 Unit1 We're going to different schools.(2).flv
Module10 Unit2 I'm going to Lake Middle School.(2).flv
Project Class Album.flv
Reading for Pleasure Fantastic Animals.flv
Reading for Pleasure The Special Carpenter.flv
Readingf or Pleasure UFOs.flv
Review Module Unit1.flv
Review Module Unit2.flv
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