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[外研社一起点]外研版小学四年级英语上册同步教学网课视频资源(高清版 41讲)

[外研社一起点]外研版小学四年级英语上册同步教学网课视频资源(高清版 41讲)

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发布时间:2022-05-30 15:12:18文件大小:6.74GB

上传用户:我活泼 我爱笑


课程简介本外研版一起点小学四年级英语上册同步教学网课视频资源,由同桌100教学团队李广敏老师讲课,共41讲,视频内容高清。内容包括:It was my birthday on Saturday、 I've got a new friend、I helped my mum、Amy painted a picture、She didn't walk to school yesterday....等等。所讲知识点同步(一起点)外研社版新标准英语四年级英语上册课本,多媒体方式教学,讲解细致,通俗易懂。欢迎四年级的同学们观看学习!


    Module01 Unit1 It was my birthday on Saturday(1).flv
    Module01 Unit2 I've got a new friend(1).flv
    Module01 Unit2 I've got a new friend(2).flv
    Module02 Unit1 I helped my mum(1).flv
    Module02 Unit1 I helped my mum(2).flv
    Module02 Unit2 Amy painted a picture(1).flv
    Module02 Unit2 Amy painted a picture(2).flv
    Module03 Unit1 She didn't walk to school yesterday(1).flv
    Module03 Unit1 She didn't walk to school yesterday(2).flv
    Module03 Unit2  I didn't play football(1).flv
    Module03 Unit2  I didn't play football(2).flv
    Module04 Unit1 Chinese people invented paper(1).flv
    Module04 Unit1 Chinese people invented paper(2).flv
    Module04 Unit2 He invented this bicycle(1).flv
    Module04 Unit2 He invented this bicycle(2).flv
    Module05 Unit1 We went to the Great Wall(1).flv
    Module05 Unit1 We went to the Great Wall(2).flv
    Module05 Unit2 I wore warm clothes(1).flv
    Module05 Unit2 I wore warm clothes(2).flv
    Module06 Unit1 It didn't become gold(1).flv
    Module06 Unit1 It didn't become gold(2).flv
    Module06 Unit2 He didn't come back(1).flv
    Module06 Unit2 He didn't come back(2).flv
    Module07 Unit1 Did you take Amy's doll(1).flv
    Module07 Unit1 Did you take Amy's doll(2).flv
    Module07 Unit2 Did you see it(1).flv
    Module07 Unit2 Did you see it(2).flv
    Module08 Unit1 When did they come(1).flv
    Module08 Unit1 When did they come(2).flv
    Module08 Unit2 Where did you go yesterday(1).flv
    Module09 Unit1 What happened to your head(1).flv
    Module09 Unit1 What happened to your head(2).flv
    Module09 Unit2 I bumped my head(1).flv
    Module09 Unit2 I bumped my head(2).flv
    Module10 Unit1 Go to bed early(1).flv
    Module10 Unit1 Go to bed early(2).flv
    Module10 Unit2 Eat vegetables every day(1).flv
    Module10 Unit2 Eat vegetables every day(2).flv
    Reading for Pleasure.flv
    Review Module Unit1.flv
    Review Module Unit2.flv










