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[新外研版三起点]五年级英语下册同步讲课视频教程全集(44讲 网盘下载)

[新外研版三起点]五年级英语下册同步讲课视频教程全集(44讲 网盘下载)

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发布时间:2022-05-30 15:45:19文件大小:6.07GB





    Module01 Unit1 We lived in a small house(1).flv
    Module01 Unit1 We lived in a small house(2).flv
    Module01 Unit2 She didn't have a television(1).flv
    Module01 Unit2 She didn't have a television(2).flv
    Module02 Unit1 She learnt English(1).flv
    Module02 Unit1 She learnt English(2).flv
    Module02 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher(1).flv
    Module02 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher(2).flv
    Module03 Unit1 She had eggs and sausages(1).flv
    Module03 Unit1 She had eggs and sausages(2).flv
    Module03 Unit2 Sam ate four hamburgers(1).flv
    Module03 Unit2 Sam ate four hamburgers(2).flv
    Module04 Unit1 Let's make a home library(1).flv
    Module04 Unit1 Let's make a home library(2).flv
    Module04 Unit2 We can find information from books and CDs(1).flv
    Module04 Unit2 We can find information from books and CDs(2).flv
    Module05 Unit1 It's big and light(1).flv
    Module05 Unit1 It's big and light(2).flv
    Module05 Unit2 It's too big for you(1).flv
    Module05 Unit2 It's too big for you(2).flv
    Module06 Unit1 I went there last year(1).flv
    Module06 Unit1 I went there last year(2).flv
    Module06 Unit2 She visited the Tianchi lake(1).flv
    Module06 Unit2 She visited the Tianchi lake(2).flv
    Module07 Unit1 My father goes to work at eight o'clock every morning(1).flv
    Module07 Unit1 My father goes to work at eight o'clock every morning(2).flv
    Module07 Unit2 I'll be home at seven o'clock(1).flv
    Module07 Unit2 I'll be home at seven o'clock(2).flv
    Module08 Unit1 will you help me(1).flv
    Module08 Unit1 will you help me(2).flv
    Module08 Unit2 I made a kite(1).flv
    Module08 Unit2 I made a kite(2).flv
    Module09 Unit1 We laughed a lot(1).flv
    Module09 Unit1 We laughed a lot(2).flv
    Module09 Unit2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you(1).flv
    Module09 Unit2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you(2).flv
    Module10 Unit1 Where are you doing(1).flv
    Module10 Unit1 Where are you doing(2).flv
    Module10 Unit2 I'm in New York now(1).flv
    Module10 Unit2 I'm in New York now(2).flv
    最后附加章节 (1)Review Module Unit1.flv
    最后附加章节 (2)Review Module Unit2.flv
    最后附加章节 (3)Reading for Pleasure The Girl in the Pagoda.flv
    最后附加章节 (4)Project Jobs.flv











